Louis Mc Loughlin 'Refraction'


The exhibition, ‘Refraction’ by Louis Mc Loughlin, opened on Saturday 6th February at 3pm and is set to introduce a new way of experiencing art at Solas.

To quote the artist…..

“This exhibition will explore themes around what refraction is and how it inter-plays with all forms of Art, and especially visual art. Refraction plays such a role in our perception that every moment of every day is visually unique.”

During the term of this exhibition Louis will be hosting a series of interactive sessions where anyone with an interest in the notion of refraction and its interplay in the development of an artwork is welcome to come along.

On three afternoons, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, from 1pm to 5pm over three weeks Louis was upstairs at the gallery developing the exhibition on show. This was a drop in event so anyone who feels inclined could drop by and stay for as little or as long as they wish.

On Saturday 27th there was be a closing event at 3pm when everyone will be welcome to the launch of the completed show and hopefully be a part of its development.